February 21, 2014


Crafting a Continuum: Rethinking Contemporary Craft - See more at: http://www.bellevuearts.org/exhibitions/current/crafting_a_continuum/index.html#sthash.kc33F0pE.dpuf
Crafting a Continuum: Rethinking Contemporary Craft
Group Show
organized by the Arizona State University Art Museum and Ceramics Research Center, Tempe, Arizona
curated by Associate Director and Senior Curator Heather Sealy Lineberry and Curator of Ceramics Peter Held
Bellevue Arts Museum
510 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
510 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004

On view: January 30 - April 27, 2014
Reception: March 6, 6-8pm

Additionally, see the November/December issue of New Ceramics, The European Ceramic Magazine, for an image of her work "Rotkäppchen, Schneeweißchen, Rosenrot, Aschenputtel, und Rapunzel wären gern Revolutionärinnen gewesen, aber sie sind auf der falschen Seite der Mauer gelandet," which was awarded one of four prizes in the recent exhibition "Figurativ/The Figure: Sculpture in Ceramics" at the Westerwald Museum.