Shifts in scale abound in Peter Drake’s studio. The small toy figures he often paints from are no more than a wee, few inches high. His painting Four Riders, birthed from such few inches is close to 10 x 12 feet. Steamer, less commanding of ones attention to size at 52” x 42”, is similarly rendered from observation of a toy ship.
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What is Romanov Grave? Romanov Grave is a group of artists who write reviews and curate exhibitions. Some prefer to remain anonymous.
Shifts in scale abound in Peter Drake’s studio. The small toy figures he often paints from are no more than a wee, few inches high. His painting Four Riders, birthed from such few inches is close to 10 x 12 feet. Steamer, less commanding of ones attention to size at 52” x 42”, is similarly rendered from observation of a toy ship.
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What is Romanov Grave? Romanov Grave is a group of artists who write reviews and curate exhibitions. Some prefer to remain anonymous.